Regulatory & Compliance Support Solutions
FCRA Compliance Made Easy
Due to the constantly changing requirements at the federal, state, and even municipal level, it is getting more and more difficult to remain up to date with policies and ensure compliance with the FCRA. As part of our services, IDS provides appropriate training on the FCRA regulations and employee responsibilities, to educate our clients in making an informed decision while mitigating risk to the organization. With support every step of the way, IDS offers automated notice options, provides required disclosures, reports and rights notifications, handles dispute resolutions and maintains electronic evidence of distribution, collection, and communication from and between all parties.
Nationwide Site Visits
IDS conducts unannounced site visits and inspections nationwide on behalf of federal clients and law enforcement agencies.
- On site interviews and document verification
- Time stamped photographs of the structure and area
- Report includes summary of findings and observations
Site visits are aimed to validate an applicant’s residence listed on their application and provide observations as to the condition of the structure and surrounding areas.
Enrollment site visits ensure compliance with CMS’ standards for providers of durable medical equipment required to obtain and/or maintain billing privileges in the Medicare system.
Social Media Compliance Policy
Do you know what your employees are posting on social media? With IDS’ Social Media Monitoring Solution, we ensure your employee’s social media activity is in line with company policies and compliant with any laws or regulations that may govern your industry.
Our Clients Include

IDS is Proud to be a U.S. Department of Homeland Security Small Business of the Year Awardee!